wateja wenye furaha
Miaka ya uzoefu

Historia ya Baraza la Manispaa ya Mjini.
The Urban Municipal Council is related in the coast of Indian ocean about 30 km of the coast of the mainland Tanzania between latitudes 5 and 7 degrees south of the Equator and it has the total area of 16 km square which lies on the western part of Unguja Island. The urban Municipal Council is bordered by West "A" Municipal Council to North and Northeast, West "B" MUnicipal Council to the South and south East and the Indian Ocean to the west. The urban Municipal Council has three [3] small island namely Chapwani, Changuu [prison Island], and Bawe. The Urban Municipal Council like other councils in Zanzibar was established under the Local Government Act No.7 of 2014. Under this act, Article 23 part 1, the Urban Municipal Council is mandated with the following key function:
- To develop, Implement, and monitor its strategic plans and budgets.
- To formulate co-ordinate and supervise the implementation of plans for economic, commercial, industrial and social development
- To raise revenue to enable the local authority to perform its functions effectively.
- To license, regulate and control business activities within its function effectively.
- To make by-laws applicable throughout its area of jurisdiction.
- To consider, regulate, and co-ordinate development plans, projects and program of words within its area of jurisdiction.
- To monitor and evaluate all projects within its area.
- To control the extraction of stones, and wood or such other natural resources as may be approved by the Minister responsible for natural resources and.
- To carry out any other functions conferred to the local authority under this act or any other laws.

Kuwa ni taasisi ya mfano katika mamlaka za serikali za mitaa kwa utoaji wa huduma zitakazowanufaisha wananchi kwa ujumla.

Baraza la Manispaa mjini lina dhamira ya huduma za jamii kiufanisi ili kuendeleza na kutunza mazingira kwa vizazi vya sasa na vijavyo kwa lengo la kuongeza haiba ya mji na kuchochea utalii kwa maendeleo ya kiuchumi.